Sam is a patient that I've been treating over the past couple of weeks, after a fight with his fellow in-mate. Following a fight with Katie, a Harris Hawk, Sam needed a few stitches in his head, some antibiotics and a good lie down. Sam and Katie are part of a Falconry program at our local prison. The in-mates are taught all about falconry, and many of them go on to start up pest control companies, using birds of prey, following their release. As you can see, Sam is a magnificant fellow, with beautiful big orange eyes, cute 'fluffy' feet and very powerful claws. A magnificant bird, and a very good patient

Note how is head is turned around 180 degrees from the direction his body is facing. It was a bit unsettling when I was trying to stitch the back of his head together, and he kept looking around the see what I was doing! He has a 270 degree range of movement in his neck.

He has a bit of a funny hair-do at the moment, but it will grow back in time

I thought he would have 'scaly' legs and feet like a chicken. But they're covered in fine feathers, giving them a 'fluffy' appearance. Very cute! What's no so cute though are those claws, which are designed to grasp prey, such as a hare running across a field. There's 2 tonnes of pressure available in those feet. I tried to stay well clear!
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